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Really awesome game, the graphics, smooth animations and even storyline and music are very coherent and captivating. Allthough the gameplay was a bit too hard for me (healthbar goes down so quick, and dodging after attacking isn't really possible) so I couldn't go far, it definitely seems so promising!

PS. loved the floating text, and the retry messages were so cute xD


A few people mentioned that freezing for the animation after attacking or healing and I already have a fix for it but I need to wait until after the game jam to upload the changes. Thank you for you feedback and I will make sure it get those change uploaded as soon as I am allowed to.

Oh for sure, I totally get that, we also already have a long list of what we want to fix after the jam ends xD 
Things like these are to be expected with such a tight deadline. Wish you all the best though! ^^


Good luck with your game

Wow, incredible. Love the philosophy that drives the design and gameplay. It's amazing that you created this in so little time! Great work, I thoroughly enjoyed playing it!

(1 edit)

I'm happy you found so much enjoyment playing it and that you found the subtle nods to the meaning behind it


is it possible for an exe version?

I will once the Game Jam is over since one of the requirements was it had to be a browser game

oh that is fine.