The Biscuiting of Everton is a puzzle platformer about a cat unhappy with the current diet he has been put on. You play Tobias (Toby), who has already been fed his morning portion, but you can hardly call that enough of a meal, and your human servants ignore your cries. They have forced your hands… er, Paws. You will show the world your wrath as you flex your claws and knead everything into biscuits until you are taken seriously. And while Tank the dog is usually stinky, loud, and annoying, he makes for a great, if not sloppy, partner in crime.

The Biscuiting of Everton was made in less than a week for the Pirate Software Game Jam #16

The Game Design Document can be found here: Game Design Document

Game concept and programming by Justin Martin
Story written by Dezerae Martin (Thellise)
Inspired by our pets Tobias (Toby), Tank, and Chell


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Such a cute fun game! Tank needs to eat those biscuits quicker 😂 

Thank you, I'm happy you liked it! I agree, he needs to eat them faster